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The Laburnum Mission:

Challenge, Achieve, Respect, Effort, Safe
At Laburnum we challenge all learners to work hard and achieve as individuals across a broad and engaging curriculum, where learning is at the heart of all we do. Our children are nurtured to show respect for themselves, others and the wider community by developing positive relationships built on our school values.

Laburnum is a popular Primary school, taking children from 3 to 11 years of age, drawn mainly from our immediate catchment area.  We are a ‘one form entry’ school taking a maximum of 30 children into each year group from Reception to Year 6.  Our Nursery is able to offer 15 and 30 hour places and offers parents and carers the option for flexible sessions across the week, including purchasing additional sessions.


Our dedicated teaching and support staff work hard to make sure that all children are given opportunities to learn and acquire the knowledge in our curriculum in interesting and exciting ways; bringing topics to life with trips and visitors wherever we can.


We have high expectations for behaviour and aim to develop a sense of community and shared responsibility.  Weekly assemblies recognise and celebrate children who display our core expectations of Challenge, Achieve, Respect, Effort and Safe (CARES) and focus on sharing everyone’s achievements.  We teach children about their place in the wider community and regularly take part in local and national fund-raising events.  From supporting our local hospice to raising money for Comic Relief we help children to realise that we all have a part play in helping others. 


We always look out for chances to challenge children in different ways and help them discover what they enjoy and what they can achieve.  We offer a daily breakfast club from 7:45am and offer a range of extra-curricular activities which change on a termly basis.  These have included football, archery, lego, computing and gymnastics.  We want children to leave Laburnum well prepared for the next stage of education, confident to try new things and able to recognise their successes and personal achievements.

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